Friday, February 25, 2011

You call that a time table?

The weeks sure do slip by, don't they?  I managed to do a little more sanding yesterday, until the rain started coming down.

Time table wise, I think the earliest I could reasonably expect to put the boat back in the water is spring 2012.  I'd like to do it this year, but there's so much work to be done. (And, it's already spring here in Austin!)

Things to do before hitting the water:
finish sanding below the water line, prep (bung and fill as appropriate), prime and paint
replace the rotten board in the transom, with any necessary structural work
sand, prep, paint above water line
replace starboard trim board, reseat port trim board
replace canvas cabin top (this should be quite an adventure!)
replace rotten board on starboard side at the front of the cabin
replace / repair port prop (it has a big chunk missing!)
engine / transmission work (another tricky bit, those puppies weigh 875 pounds a piece and they need to come out to be rebuilt)
gas tanks need to be checked and cleaned / repaired / replaced
carburetor rebuilds
stain and varnish transom
forward water tank fill fitting and plumbing

After all of that is done, it could hopefully float again, and move under its own power.

Add in a few legalities such as a survey and insurance, and then you have a floating project instead of a backyard project.  Naturally some of the items above require a financial aspect, and planning those things out affects the time table as well.  Left out of the list, except for the cabin top, are the more cosmetic items like exterior stain and varnish, the forward deck, etc, etc.

When you put it like that, it seems like a lot of work!

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