Saturday, September 17, 2011

Pardon the interruption.

Well, I never did manage to get out on the lake last weekend... Lake Travis was closed by Mansfield damn due to planes and helicopters picking up loads of water to fire fight.

In other news, enroute to work this past Tuesday I crashed my motorcycle.  Minimal damage to the bike, I rode it home after adjusting the clutch lever.  Me?  Sprained wrist, scraped knee, huge bruise on my side, and the piece de resistance: a cracked or separated rib.  I'm already feeling pretty spry, but the rib will keep me from working on the boat this weekend at the least.

Wednesday, September 7, 2011

The Trifecta

So I was lucky enough to have Labor Day off this week, and this past Saturday I realized the schedule might work out to get a sanding session in on each day of the long weekend.  Saturday worked out, although I ended up sanding in the evening.  Sunday morning, more sanding, but then we went to a pool party where the host smoked a brisket.  Delicious!  Monday morning came around and I was up early with the kids, but couldn't manage to hit the trifecta.  Someone had a hangover, and then we went to another pool party in the afternoon.

At least I made the attempt.. I achieved more than I would have otherwise, and every hour spent on a project helps me understand the scope and the possibilities.

In other news, I *might* get out on the lake this coming weekend, even with lake levels at low low levels.