Saturday, April 23, 2011

In case of weather...

What is this pile of scrap, you say?  It turns out that it's the original weather cloths.  They're in a very fragile state, so they can't be used, but I plan to use them as a pattern when we get around to that stage of things.

The weather cloths snap onto the edges of the cockpit roof and sides, and provide a weather proof (resistant?) protection.  The previous owner called me a few weeks ago and told me he found these, plus the original owners manual (!) and the cabin key.  Naturally I was pretty excited to reunite these items with the boat.

Porch sanding still proceeds at a snail's pace, and I have more sand paper on order...

Saturday, April 16, 2011

A detailed observation...

Anyone with a little knowledge of wood, or wooden boats, can immediately gleam from this picture an important detail:

It's not any part of a boat.  In fact, as I mentioned in my last post, it's the ceiling to my porch, and I've been sanding it little by little.  This particular shot doesn't show any of the new boards, but suffice it to say they don't match the existing color very well.  The blog has been quiet recently because there's been very little boat work since I started this sanding project.  With any luck I'll have it wrapped up soon, although I did manage to obtain something pretty neat that's boat related.  More about that soon...